

  • Name: Roy Schreuder
  • Crew: That’s a different story, but shout out to them <3
  • City-country: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
  • Active since: I started painting in 2007
  • Personal motivation-message: For me painting has become a big part of my life, so there is not a fixed objective or reason to do it. I like to create things with my hands and to see a finished product in the end of the day. Besides that painting is a social thing for me. I met most of my friends through this in one way or another, it brought me to a lot of places I otherwise would not have seen and its a way for me to relax. Sometimes I like to do big complicated walls and in other cases its more about the bbq or having a good time. One thing that is really important to me is location. I like to look for locations that add something to the work and vice versa.