

  • Name: Nasca One
  • Crew: WCDIB (Germany), ZNC (Singapore), FSK (Indonesia).
  • City-country: Born in Munich, Germany and strong connection to Peru, South America due to family but now based in Berlin.
  • Active since: started drawing since little like almost everyone and basically never stopped hehe. First graffiti piece around 2005 but started getting really active around 2008 and 2009.
  • Personal motivation-message: Painting is my tool to understand the world around me and myself better every day. Its my perspective and my canal to visualize subjects, events and connections around me that I’m interested in. Obviously I do that in a conceptual figurative manner but I try to lose myself from that more and more. And as I keep to extend my own visual library everyday it I make my own peace with my world step by step.