Articles, Interviews


We asked the Chilean writer and artist for a Top 5 of his favorite kicks to paint graffiti in, and the story behind each of them. This excuse was perfect for us to finally talk and reflect a little on the world of sneakers and the role they play in “getting up” culture.

When we open the book Patiperro, one of the things that shocks us most is its striking index: each chapter corresponds to a pair of sneakers.
Sneakers are essential to carry out the different facets of illegal graffiti. But in a culture with such an aesthetic vision, comfort is not the only rule that governs the different trends that exist in graffiti-writer footwear.

Alonso Alcalde, writer and trasgraffiti artist, is also a veteran sneaker collector, something that we could infer thanks to the importance with which these elements are treated throughout his book. However, what we see and what is discussed about footwear in Patiperro is only a small sample of expertise in this area that we will try to squeeze out in this article.

“Now I am the one who photographs my sneakers without forgetting that Ozkar Gorgias was the first to do this.”

Where does the idea of taking photos of sneakers come from?

The idea doesn’t exactly come from me, it’s from the renowned trainwriting photographer Ozkar Gorgias. He was the first to photograph writers’ shoes and most of Patiperro’s sneakers. About 80%, are photos of my shoes taken by him in a professional studio. Now I am the one who photographs my sneakers without forgetting that Ozkar was the first to do this. Shout out to him, one of my favorite trainwriting photographers.

Why is footwear so important in Patiperro?

I think sneakers are something that the vast majority of people care about. As a shoe collector, I think that they have been an important part of my life. I also believe that they have been a status symbols in urban culture for decades.

“I thought that these elements could symbolize my travels and the cities where I painted with them, adding a very personal touch to the book.”

While I was making Patiperro I was quite involved in collecting sneakers. I bought some only to look at in my studio, while others I bought to go paint in. In this case, they should be comfortable. It’s the most important thing for me, more than aesthetics. I thought that these elements could symbolize my travels and the cities where I painted with them, adding a very personal touch to the book.

What is more important in a sneaker: functionality or aesthetics?

To paint, comfort is more important, but without forgetting aesthetics. In some places it is very helpful to wear discreet shoes so as not to attract attention. 99% of the time we wear black, haha.

“In Chicago, one of the guys we went with to paint the subway was wearing Jordan 1’s. I had never seen anything like it in Europe.”

In Patiperro we see that footwear fashion varies depending on where you are. Can you give some examples of this?

In Chicago, one of the guys we went with to paint the subway was wearing Jordan 1’s. It caught my attention as he filled the wholecar on the stairs and I couldn’t believe it. I had never seen anything like it in Europe, since European writers don’t usually wear basketball shoes.

Why do you think that is?

In the specific case of Chicago, if you think about it, its makes sense, because we were in the city where Michael Jordan made history and made thousands of people happy. Writers use products that identify us personally, but at the same time current trends do rub off on us. I think that as writers, in particular, we look for either comfort or what we like and the latter depends on where you live, your purchasing power and the aesthetic of the writers or artists who have influenced what you do, or your personality.


Asics Gel lyte 3 Solebox

These are my lifelong favorite sneakers. Despite not being the most comfortable and discreet, I used them for many years and on different very special trips. I had many pairs of them and they were all in a deplorable state. I saved a brand new pair for my collection and when I look at them beautiful memories come back to me and I reconnect with a past part of my life.

New Balance 993

I painted in Cape Town with these sneakers on. I spent some very crazy days with Toe and these shoes were complicit in some significant risks. That’s why I think I have a special affection for them.

Asics Gt 2000 9

After doing Patiperro, a few months later, the people from Asics saw the book and felt very flattered that I had put many of their shoes in my book. That’s why I started receiving shoes from them as a gift and these are some of them. These are, without a doubt, the most comfortable shoes I have ever had in my life. They are not very discreet but in some cities it’s not a big deal to go paint in them. I remember that I had to throw them away after a weekend in Madrid. What a pity.

Nike Vomero 5

Nike’s most comfortable sneakers, in my opinion. I remember that I had them  on the first time I met with Edward Nightingale to take photos for the Patiperro book  in Vienna. We spent some incredible days there and that’s why they are on this list.

Nike Free 5.0

These sneakers were a gift from the guys at KCBR. After painting a wholecar during the day, we went to a quiet place to see the photos I had taken and suddenly they arrived as a gift. I painted the Tokyo subway with them. Very comfortable too.