

Are you one of those people who does the math at end of the year, counting the pieces youve done? Lots of graffiti writers do the same thing. The year is almost up and its time to take stock of what weve achieved. For some, quality counts, for others quantity, for others its the spots, or the friends youve made. Or a little of everything.

We don’t want to demotivate anyone, but we think it’s going to be hard to equal the stats of Mad this year: 1,000 pieces on trains.

Huh? 1,000 pieces on freight trains in one calendar year? Its true: Mad has hit four figures in 2020. The American writer who represents ESC, WH, PFE, KBT and NSF, told us about hismotivation to paint, knowing that our time on this planet is limited and he feels obsessed to go all out.

It seems incredible, so we wanted for him to put it in his own words, cause those numbers mean a lot of paint, a lot nights, or days: time basically, effort and dedication of course. Only in November he did 280 pieces. At the end of this month his total number for the year was 977 pieces. Here, there is only a little selection of them.

Since COVID19 hit, I was lucky enough to keep my job and was set up to work from home. Therefore, I have no commute times to work and I can get paint and colors and everything ready at home, and as soon as I clock out, I go to hit steel.’

At first, like most years, I don’t give myself a goal to reach, I just try to crush as much as possible and put out some nice work. But once I started going to paint so much and figuring out the schedules, I was able to paint so much more. And then as my numbers started to grow, I started to get a little obsessed. I was waking up at super early to get some numbers in before I start work for the day, and then go right after work. And barely sleep on the weekends. I count fill ins – pieces, nothing less than that. I also push myself to put every quality pieces too, that many would only try on walls.

I wouldn’t recommend going for 1,000 if you are in a relationship or have children or even pets. It requires an insane amount of your time. I do have children and I am very lucky to have an awesome children’s mother who is the best. Before when I would work all day, I would go over my kids house for dinner after work and spend time with on the weekends. Because of the pandemic, I have been able to work anywhere; thus, allowing me to work at my kids, which gave me more time with them. Which meant, after work I had time to go after steel.

‘You definitely have to be dedicated and willing to spend all your free time and additional time like, when most would be sleeping, to go out and hunt down freights. Next year, I am not setting any number goals, but I will be doing a lot.’

‘¡Thank you for giving me this opportunity to tell a little part of my story.  and thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me!’