

Jordi Rubio Rocabert at Montana Colors’ office, 1999

After 29 years, Jordi Rubio Rocabert, the founder of Montana Colors and to date director and owner, decides to put an end to his working relationship with the brand. To say goodbye, he has shared with us a letter written by himself.

Barcelona, ​​June 2022.

Montana, because of my passion for mountains, and Colors because they appear everywhere when light wins over darkness.

I was 26 years old and now I’m 55. In 1993, my life led me to meet Kapi and Moockie. Climbing mountain walls was my passion, their was to paint walls in cities. Both pursuits allowed our imagination to flow, always at the face of a wall, leaving behind us a world that didn’t interest us. We connected instantly. It was just an idea of ​​freedom, pure excitement and the motivation of wanting to take control of our lives.

I founded the company with Miquel Galea, my childhood friend who would become my business partner. We never chased after money or success. We only sought excellence in every move, in style, serving people and being loved. Start trading, creating a company from scratch: our universe.

We were proud to have set up our business in a warehouse full of junk rather than a spotless business school, where they transform the young people’s dreams into excessive ambition. Everything was simpler; from the idea to the black book and from the black book to the wall, to reality. It was like doing magic but for real, based on affirmation over negation. “Don’t do it, don’t paint the wall, don’t climb there, it won’t work, you’re not going to make it, no, no.” Shut up!

Trusting our intuition, having faith in something that no one else believed in, we turned it into a new, benchmark company; with alternative values ​​that brought dignity in the murky world of business. Meanwhile, I built myself up as an individual, in a society that tries to hold you back.

It hasn’t always been easy: often, it seemed impossible. Trying things out is true success.

I apologize to everyone I’ve failed. Above all, to all my people, those closest to me who I neglected to give my ideas priority. I’m truly sorry.

I’ve now decided to leave the company before it leaves me. I treasure all our workers, the friends I’ve made, the vandals who spray color, the artists, writers, clients, and the experiences I’ve been through with everyone.

Along the way I’ve fed on the joy and values of the youngsters, the starters The people I always see myself reflected in, whose love for the foundations sparks an idea, usually with obstacles in the way to make it a reality. I value them much more than the pride and arrogance of the big shots.

Montana, my little girl, my only girl, you’re older now, maybe you don’t need me anymore.

Jordi “from Montana will soon just be a distant memory. That’s life, and now I’ll focus on getting to know myself better. New mountains, new goals.

Infinite thanks to all of you who helped me and believed in me, without you and your loyal trust I wouldn’t have succeeded. Thanks to each of you who have followed me and know of this adventure.

I ask the new owners and those to come to respect the origins and philosophy, to know how to take care of the brand and its values. I ask them to take care of their 300-plus workers, their clients and followers, the reason for everything.

MONTANA is much more than a company with economic results. It’s a unique gift, a period  of time stretching out for almost 30 years of graffiti history, people’s lives and of society itself.

Jordi Rubio Rocabert
Founder of Montana Colors

First office in, 1994

Kapi with Jordi in the warehouse, 2003

Jordi and Os Gemeos during the first mural at the factory, 2002

First Montana Shop. Barcelona, 2004

Montana Colors Factory, 2006

Jordi with part of Montana Colors back office with Aryz, 2017

Wind, Angelo and Jordi in Los Angeles designing the Montana Shop LA, 2018

Factory and workers, 2021

Mar Roig (Montana logo designer) and Jordi Rubio Rocabert, 2021

Martha Cooper and Jordi Rubio Rocabert, 2019