

As you can imagine, here at MTN-World personal birthdays aren’t usually celebrated as news items. However, this occasion is extra special, so we’re going to make an exception.
Musa isn’t just one of Barcelona’s longest-serving writers and a Montana Colors team member. Aside from representing that maximum involvement that a writer can have in graffiti, she is also an icon of gender equality in this mostly male culture, and has never once boasted about it. And since turning 50 while still being so active in the culture is a big deal, today we think it’s appropriate to celebrate her birthday through the words of some of the members of her crews.

“I’ve known Musa Since the 90s, We became great friends over the years and Crew Mates. Many memories shared and more to come Happy Birthday Musa … Fucking Hell John”

Dilk FHJ

“Happy Bigi Yari Musa!!!
There are not many influential female graffiti style writers in the history of graffiti. To my opinion it’s only a short list with Musa in the highest ranks! She’s a style master with the wildest colors but most of all a supersweet personality and a dear friend. My TFP sista I wish you a wonderful day!!”


“I’d like to wish my long time friend and mentor Musa a happy 50th birthday.  It’s hard to believe that someone who has been doing graffiti for as long as her can continue to be so innovative and outstanding.  Her contribution to graffiti is like no other. In our circle of friends we call her “the rule breaker”, because she continues to push the limits of letters and colors on a daily basis. I can’t wait to see how far she pushes her craft over the next decade and beyond.  Happy birthday my friend.”

Hoacs 4S

50! She is always been a few steps ahead of me but in this case I don’t mind 😉 Sayin’ that, I realize I’ve known her for over half of her life. Shared many walls, laughs, some tears, crazy nights and good talks. She deserves an action figure at this age: half the size of Skeletor but double as dangerous. Red Pippi Longstocking hair, one hand on her back with the invisible forcefield to block the biters. The other hand with the index finger either connecting directly to the soul of the wall she’s painting or pointing at you, with that cheeky smile and twinkling eyes that say “I’ll burn the shit out of you”, the same way she’ll torch zombies and assholes. Congratulations birthday girl on fire! -“

SunkOne FHJ

“Happy Birthday Musa!  Too many years learning the rules, only to break them all!”

Eskae454 4S