- Name: Nerks
- Crew: GM, GRK, DVK, BS, FUSKA (Mexican Crew)
- City-country: Based in London, Uk
- Active since: I started to do graffiti in 2012 in a seaside town called Bournemouth. It started in the days when i was in school, one day i just decided to go outside into the streets and start bombing and the whole process went from there. In 2013 i did my first “piece” that was something like wildstyle because i loved that style and all the possibilities that can be done with it and from there i started to meet loads of writers in my local area, everything just seemed to click even at this time, i knew that this is my thing and no one can take it away from me.
- Favorite surface:I have many favourite surfaces and i go through phases of them, it depends what i want to paint, i like brick, wood, metal, concrete, any surface to be honest. Corrugated metal is great for going big because it forces you to do that. I do like raw surfaces, sometimes it eats he paint but you have to know ways around that. pretty much all surfaces do a great job, as a graffiti writer i feel that you cant be too picky with that, just gotta do it and think of the end result when its done. Because if its a great spot and you don’t want to paint it and its highly visible someone else will grab the spot and you wished you painted it. I like to paint spots that have a higher change of longevity and have plenty of people seeing them at once. I have time and respect for all aspects of graffiti even if its not my kinda thing i can still appreciate someone is doing it and why.
- Personal motivation: I have many motivations to paint and strive for the next piece. From just enjoying the process of painting, sometimes those really fun quick ones are the best but then a good days production always persue good memories. Starting the tattoo process too has me different motivations, i see a lot of things that are different, drawing in different ways, there is so many ways to draw graffiti, theres so many styles to do and theres styles within styles and then styles within those. For me my style is wildstyle, but its broken down into a slightly gothic, scripty, calligraffiti style which is fun to explore but still keeping to the classic and fundamentals of graffiti. When i see people that i know doing pieces and painting a lot that pushes me especially if they are local to me. However, writers that i have spoken too overseas also push me too, being friends with someone thousands of miles away because you do the same thing is priceless, and when you eventually get to paint with them its a great feeling. Traveling is a big push for me too. Traveling to different cities and countries. Experiencing different cultures. In London finding different cultures is very easy but its always great to travel and see whats out there because the world is always bigger than you think. Urban, cultural, rural and many forms of photography gives me some motivation too, and so does music. Clothing within the game is a big thing for me too, i have made my own clothing and its great to trade and sell with others that do the same thing and just appreciate what you do. Showing tourist writers around is a motivation too, because everyone has a good time.