

This summer Montana Colors is offering you the chance to create your own MTN Limited Edition aerosol can – with fat prizes for the three best.

Grab a handful of MTN Acrylic Marcadors and get inspired by the work of artists like Shepard Fairey, Os Gemeos and Lady Pink before producing your own design on any MTN can you like.

Make sure to document the process in Instagram stories and take a photo of the final design. To participate, you’ll have to upload it to your Instagram account tagging @Montana Colors and adding the hashtag #MTNYOUCAN. When the contest finishes on 31 August, the Montana Colors expert judges will choose the 10 best.

The following week, you’ll be able to vote for your favorites, and the three entries with the most votes will win a voucher to the tune of €300 to spend on Montana Colors products. To make the contest as fair as possible, we’ll run the voting through the Easy Promos App. Get all your followers and friends to vote through the app to have the best chance of winning a prize.

Voting will close on September 12 at 23:59h and the tres entries with the most votes will win the prizes.
We’ve included some examples by some of our friends in this article to show you the possibilities of the markers. Get to work now on your own Limited Edition with MTN You Can!