

  • Crew: Sacred Lettering
  • Founded: 2021
  • Country/city: England, London.
  • Original members: Nerok, Spyar, Grace.
  • Current members: Nerok, Spyar, Grace, Nerks, Driper, Yanko, Siren, YS, Illy, Connor Pembroke, Don Bertino.
  • Philosophy: Our letters are sacred, and sacred letters are family.
  • Tradition: Graf jams, tattoo conventions, fast bombing.
  • Collective memory: A National crew that emerged during 2021 in England. Nerok, Spyar and Angel Grace got together for the first jam on the 15 of March 2021 alongside Yanko, Nerks and Dripper. After that we met in Leicester with Siren, YS, Connor Pembroke who joined the crew on that day. Since then we got together in different cities of England taking over with graff jams. We have added some new members lately, ILLY, and Don Bertino. The crew members are active writers and tattoos Artists. Most of the writers have been writing for a long time. Everyone has individual styles in both graffiti and tattooing. They continue to paint regularly, tattoo at different studios and participate at conventions.