

Does anyone remember when there was no such thing as FAT Caps? Would you tweak the diffusers to get a thicker stroke? Remember the first time you got one? Luckily those times are long gone! Everything changes. People analyze what they need and do their research, and the caps we are talking about today are the result of that research.

These caps are proof that the past was not always better.
The 81 cap and the NightQuill have arrived to fulfill the wet dreams of graffiti writers all over the world. We’ve tried them out and here are our thoughts on the matter.


81 cap


Because it is a beveled cap, it should be used vertically, from top to bottom, to make the most of its wide stroke. What does this mean? This is a cap that requieres precision and if you use it well, the thickness of the stroke more than compensates for the loss of speed.
On the other hand, as you can imagine, they are useful for pieces or tags (where you paint them is your business) in which size matters, not price. This is a cap for both female and male cans. And as you can see in the video of Montana Shop Barcelona’s Instagram account, the end result is amazing.

Night Quill Hydra super Fat Cap V2 and Big Shotty

These long names embody what some are calling the best breakthrough in graffiti in the last 10 years.
Hydra Super Fat Cap V2

This is the nozzle they have created for cans like our MTN Mad Maxxx, and rest assured that it will take you a quarter of the time to fill a piece. Their numbers? Over 95 cm of stroke width. We suggest you grab a ruler and check for yourself.




⚡️L👀k at @sofles_official take our HYDRA prototype nozzle for a test run with Mad Maxx in hand⚡️ @MTN_Australia @Montana Colors #wearenightquill #graffiti #ultrawide

♬ Cyberpunk – Max Brhon

Big Shotty

A nozzle for female cans. It is special in that it has two heads and its stroke -between 25 to 40cm- will also leave you speechless.



-These caps -although more expensive than normal- can be reused because they are solvent- resistant. So if you take care of them and clean them, you will be able to use them for a longer period of time.
-The widest strokes ever made.
-They are fast.


– Like any other cap, you have to get used to them. You may not get all the performance you need at first, so remember: Practice does not make perfect, but it does make a writer.

Now, go to your favorite store and try them out.