

After successful exhibitions in Los Angeles and New York, Beyond the Streets touches down in the British capital with a historic event. A journey through the history of graffiti and urban art by means of a dizzying selection of artists ranging from the New York pioneers to the contemporary street bombers of the London scene. The ultimate showcase for graffiti, street art and beyond.

Beyond The Street London: from February 17th to May 9th, 2023

No more and no less than the renowned and distinguished Saatchi Gallery in London has stepped up to receive Roger Gastman‘s ambitious project, Beyond the Streets. The magnificent Kings Road palace is the setting in which the history of graffiti has been reviewed —actually making history and writing a new page in the international dissemination and promotion of art linked to “graffiti writing.”

The story of graffiti and street art can’t be told without highlighting the significant role London, and the UK in general played in revolutionizing these cultures and continuing to spread the word of their existence. Pushing the global narrative has always been of importance to us and we’re honored to continue telling our story at Saatchi Gallery, whose prestige and impact are unmatched in the UK

Roger Gastman, BEYOND THE STREETS Founder


Roger Gastman pays homage to the most important creative revolution in modern history with a unique selection. From the primal and current work of graffiti pioneers such as Lady Pink, Futura2000, Daze, Revolt, Zephyr or Crash to its contemporary transition with famous artists such as Mode2, Todd James, and Ces. Obviously, there was also a resounding representation of the most current urban art, with names such as HuskMitNavn, Felipe Pantone, Pose, Dabs & Myla or Imon Boy. Worth noting are the surprising installations like Priest‘s, where human-sized toys immerse you in an endearing universe, or Petro’s, which humorously exacerbates Lo Life culture.


Unavoidably, the most conceptual and artistic aspect of urban art is also on display with works by Shepard Fairey, André Saraiva, Faile, Paul Insect and Escif. The ambitious proposal also features other expressive street culture media, with a selection of photographs by Estevan Oriol and the late Dash Snow among others; tattoos, with a triptych by Mr. Cartoon; and a selection of flashes by Bert Krak; or music, with an installation dedicated to the Beastie Boys.


The icing on the cake was undoubtedly the tribute to London’s illegal graffiti, which took over the fourth floor with paintings featuring some of the quintessential “bombers” of the English capital: The notorious DDS’ 10foot, Tox and Fume. His paintings were framed in an installation with elements extracted directly from subway tracks. Exhibited on a glass table, the original photographs of Nema TPG-MOAS‘ most influential subway pieces were also found, in a space traversed vertically by the canvases of the New Yorker, Katsu, painted with a drone. Works by Vhils and Delta accompanied this area to which was closed off during the press session prior to the inauguration.


Our recap of @beyondthestreets in London. Don’t miss that show! #graffiti #graffitiart #exhibition #urbanart #art #contemporaryart

♬ Epic Music(863502) – Draganov89


The evening brought together a handful of celebrities, in addition to the majority of the participating artists, along with some of the most select of London’s urban culture. A true party with a balanced mix of authenticity, people and fashion, in which more than one person made sure to take a souvenir from the “giftshop”… some paying and some for free.