Following tradition, our new calendar is now available at all Montana Colors distributors. For 2022, we wanted to showcase our “Montana Shops.” We wanted to pay homage to this piece of our Universe, the layer that’s in most direct contact with you. You can get yours in your favorite Montana Colors store.
On each page, accompanying you month by month, we wanted to highlight our flagship stores but also to remember where we come from, thanks to that first beacon of color that we opened in Barcelona in 2004. That’s why Montana Shop Born is the cover of this calendar, because without it, the rest of them would never have existed.
“Montana is a second family to me; I actually spend more time here with my workmates than at home. I’m happy, I love what I do and I want to keep learning! ” Marta Nuñez de Arenas (Montana Air Production)
In these pages dedicated to the stores, we can marvel at the first twelve shops, such as Bruselas, Tokio, Santiago de Chile o Montreal. Altogether they remind us of a job well done, the completion of a dream that starts at the factory and ends with you.
“Year after year, Montana hasn’t stopped growing and I’m proud to have been a part of all the changes and challenges I’ve experienced. After almost ten years, I still have the same enthusiasm for work that I had at the beginning and a desire to continue to add my drop of color in the years ahead.
May you all have a happy new year.”-Gilles Brice Ribalta Bueno (Responsable de calidad Montana Air)
In the calendar, and through the journey of three Montana Colors employees, you will be able to know a little better what is hidden under the external layer of the company. A way of recognising those who, day after day, year after year, make up the fabric of this company. As Mar Roig i Alegre (Photographer and Graphic Designer) remembers: “Amsterdam was the first city I visited in the name of Montana. We went to meet a possible dealer from there who would become a great friend: Henk Kramer. Way back in 1995, I went along with Jordi to help him and translate. I remember the Dam Square crowded with people selling all sorts of weird things, a Dutch flea market.There was a van by a stall full of Montana aerosols. It seemed incredible that our spray cans, made in Barcelona, were there… and people were buying them! That’s how I remember Montana’s first steps abroad.”
See you in the Montana Shops or on the streets. Enjoy all the possibilities of this new year.