

What better use of a Sunday afternoon than to take on whole wall graffiti production? Galeria Koloru document the process of a mural painted by the Polish writers Dheesco (Disko) and Maks in the city of Krosno.

The medieval town is located in the south of Poland, forty kilometers from Slovakia and eighty-five from the Ukrainian border. Graffiti in Poland is in a rich vein of form and this area is no exception. Disko and Maks demonstrate their skills with this weekend masterpiece production. Using a few shades of yellow to fill the pieces, the two writers flex the most elemental part of their styles that follow the same stylistic notions: a very personal semi-wildstyle that represents the pure aesthetics of style writing.

The wall is completed by a huge classic hip-hop character against a city background, using a refined combination of tones result in an effective and balanced composition. The relentless team at Galeria Koloru filmed the process and final results of this project in this slick video set perfectly to the music of Polish hip-hop duo BonSoul.

Check out an interview with Polish train writer Juicy, also produced by Galeria Koloru, here.