- Name: Hello, my name is Gaspard Louane. I regularly paint or write “Louane“.
- Crew: Les Uns. I am part of the crew LES UNS. At the beginning, we founded this hip-hop collective with rappers, beatmakers and djs from all the major French-speaking cities of Switzerland. Some of them then joined the group with graffiti and breakdance.
- City-country: I live in Bern and all over Switzerland.
- Active since: maybe 2010. I think I started to paint seriously around the year 2010, at the same time I started to lose interest in music.
- Favorite surface: Raw concrete wall. I really like the structure of the concrete wall which is already very rich visually. You can also often read traces of the past or of nature’s wear and tear. I find it interesting.
- Personal motivation: What motivates me to paint above all is freedom. I can spend the whole day painting outside and I don’t see time passing. I don’t have anything to ask to anyone, I don’t need almost anything.