- Name: Mr. Manz
- Crew: TCN (Spain) and The Infamous Faces (Germany)
- City-country: Madrid, Spain
- Active since: I have been aware of graffiti since I was a child and on a few occasions I tried to paint, but it wasn’t until about four years ago when I could really dedicate myself to painting as I wanted. I began to get to know people, places, styles and I could afford it financially, and I haven’t stopped since that moment.
- Personal motivation-message: It is a complicated question: who wouldn’t like to be able to make a living from this? Although I know that it is complicated world, but not impossible. But if I had to say my motivation today it is to learn new things on every wall I make, have fun painting with my people and above all, enjoy myself, that’s what graffiti is for! The truth is that I do not have a clear message, since I am still evolving to find my style and what I want to show. But what I am clear about with the walls that I do, is that I wanto to fill those spaces where there is nothing with a character that provokes a reaction, whether of acceptance or not. But that’s the beauty of graffiti that not everyone will like.